Our Children's Program Classes use a creative approach to share the joy of dance with your little one. Our curriculum emphasizes dance class etiquette, gross motor skills, basic dance technique and builds confidence while utilizing props and story-telling to instill a passion and love for dance in every child!

Little Stars Program
Boys & Girls ages 3-4
Ballet Creative Movement
45 min. class/once per week
Separate Acro add-on is offered in this program
This class is geared towards learning coordination, confidence, and use of their imagination in a nurturing and supportive environment. They will perform a Ballet routine in our Spring performance.
Rising Stars Program
Boys & Girls age 5
Tap/Ballet/Creative Movement
60 min. class/once per week
Separate Hip Hop and Acro add-ons are offered in this program
This class is geared towards learning coordination, confidence, and use of their imagination, rhythym and musicality. They will perform a Tap routine in our Spring performance.
Shining Stars Program
Boys & Girls ages 6-7
Tap/Jazz Combo
90 min. class/once per week
Separate Ballet, Hip Hop & Acro add-ons are offered in this program
This class will perform a Tap and Jazz routine in our Spring performance with the use of one costume. This is a great introduction to Jazz dance!
Super Stars Program
Boys & Girls ages 7-8
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Acro are offered in this program.
All classes are separate in this program.
Class Schedule